White Oak High School/Where you matter to us.

You are valued, you matter to us! In saying these words out loud I have to reflect on my own life. Things I have been a part of, things that make Amy Billingslea who she is. What I do know is that education has always been the driving factor. (Not the grades, but the learning) This is not taking away the GPA that it requires to get into specific colleges. We want everyone to reach their personal goals.  Do the goals have anything to do with work ethic? Questions that we try to address are as follows….

What do I want learning to be like? What do I want from the experience of school? What matters to me most? What am I worried about? What am I most excited to learn more about and learn from?  What am I going to become more awesome at?

Do any of these questions even address work ethic? When we have hopes and dreams, or we aspire to be or do something, we have passion that becomes the driving force of greatness in each of us.

White Oak High School wants our students to leave here being able to think. (Thinking is valued) We want them to have Rich opportunities for exploring their passions. Where the process and the product of thinking are present in the environment.

The future of our White Oak community is upon us. Every single person in this school/community is of the utmost importance.

A person’s past and present, is always forming successes that create  their future.

May God bless you in the upcoming 2016-17 school year.