Events of Spring 2013

This semester is passing so fast. We are sometimes overwhelmed by all of the

activities our students/children are involved in. Just remember this too shall

pass. It won’t be long and you will be sitting in the Belcher Center listening

to the graduation march. With that being said we are seven weeks and finals

away from the school year ending.

I wanted everyone to know of things coming up. They are as follows:

Week of April 8 – 12

One Act Play in Van, UIL Academics to Tyler on Sat 13th, District Baseball and Softball games,  District Tract, Band Competition in Marshall, Stuco to State Competition. Two weeks until EXIT level TAKS.


Week of April 15 – 19

District Baseball & Softball, Choir competition in Mt Pleasant, Region Tennis, Area Track, Regional OAP,  One week until EXIT level TAKS. Three weeks until STAAR for Freshmen & Sophmores.


Week of April 22 – 24

EXIT level TAKS, Bi-District  Softball, Two weeks until STAAR for Freshmen & Sophmores.


Week of April 28 – May 3

April 28th  NHS Induction Luncheon May 1, One week until STAAR Area Softball , Bi District Baseball


Week of May 6  –  10

STAAR test  and Calculus Test, AP English test


Week of May13  –  17

STAAR test and AP English test

14th Band Concert


Week of May 20  –  24

State UIL Academics, Athlethic Banquet, Last week of regular classes


Week of May 28  –  May 31


28th State Ring Ceremony

June 1      GRADUATION!!!!!